"Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." Matthew 4:17
"For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" Matthew 16:26

GOD’s Plan For Your Marriage

What is God’s plan for your marriage? To give you days of heaven on earth! Our marriage should be so beautiful, so harmonious that it radiates the glory of God. When people see us they should glorify God and recognize that this relationship is as it is because it is standing on the Rock Jesus Christ. What is God’s plan for your marriage?  To give you days of heaven on earth!
Our marriage should be so beautiful, so harmonious that it radiates the glory of God.  When people see us they should glorify God and recognize that this relationship is as it is because it is standing on the Rock Jesus Christ. The Word of God teaches us that: “With pride comes only contention, but wisdom is with the well-advised.” (Proverbs 13:10) So in our lives, and especially in what concerns our marriage, we should accept advice and learn and change for the better. In Psalms 101:2 it says: I will conduct my business with integrity in the midst of my palace.” Where does David say he wants to walk in integrity?  In his work?  In his church? In Society? NO.  In his house.  Because the one who walks with integrity in his house, can also walk with integrity in his work, in society and in his church.  At home is the hardest place. There are Christians who are a great example for others at work, in society, at church; however, as soon as they enter their house they become totally different people.  This sweet, beautiful, polite spirit leaves and they start shouting and screaming.  They speak to their spouse as if they are their servant, and they forget the verse in 1 Peter 3:7 that says “… as fellow heirs of the grace of life. In this way nothing will hinder your prayers.” Jesus is always there, with you. He is there day and night.  Morning and afternoon.  Summer and winter.  He is there because He lives in you! And you know what?  He is there not to judge your failures, but to help you in a time of need.  He is there, to take your failures, when you decide to trust Him, and make them victories! “The LORD supports all who fall, and lifts up all who are bent over.” (Psalm 145:14) The Lord is always there.  The Lord is always there to help you, so don’t be discouraged and don’t give up!  Just Trust Him. Written by Andry Christodoulou

† Celebrating 32 Years in Cyprus