The Pastor
Photos (Left to Right): Pastor Sophocles Christodoulou, Pastor Nikos Klonaris (ACOJC Rhodes, Greece), Pastor Sophocles & Andry Christodoulou (ACOJC Limassol, Cyprus) Pastor Sophocles and Andry Christodoulou are the senior Pastors of the Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ (ACOJC). They are passionate about leading people to JESUS and teaching them how to live a holy, consecrated life in the fear of the LORD. Their vision and goal is to increase the hunger and thirst of the people of GOD for His Word and His Presence. To lead people to a strong passionate relationship with GOD that is a powerful testimony to everyone around them. Lately, the LORD has been directing the Pastor to lead the church strongly towards “Seeking His kingdom first”, being totally focused on seeking the LORD and making Him our delight, and as we concentrate on GIVING to Him “everything else shall be added unto us”. Pastor Sophocles and his wife Andry Pastor the Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ in Cyprus since 1992. They made JESUS the LORD of their lives and became born again few months before they got married in 1982. Pastor Sophocles has an amazing testimony of how he was healed of an incurable disease right after he got saved. In July 1982 right after they got married, Pastor Sophocles and his wife Andry went to the United States of America for their university studies. Two years later, the LORD baptized Pastor Sophocles in the Holy Spirit and called him into ministry. He has served as Pastor in Canada and Cyprus. In April 1992, being led by the Holy Spirit, he established the Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ and later on the International Apostolic Ministries, answering the call to expand this ministry to the nations as well. In addition the Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ branch Church was established on the island of Rhodes Greece which is led by Pastor Nikos Klonaris under the same Spirit, anointing and teaching as ACOJC Cyprus. Pastor Sophocles and Andry Christodoulou (their last name meaning “servant of CHRIST”) have two children and four grandkids. The Pastor’s children and both “children-in-law” enjoy serving the LORD with the rest of the family in the ministry. In His Love,