"Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." Matthew 4:17
"For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" Matthew 16:26

International Membership



We welcome you to join us as an international member of the Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ. “Our message is not local but global.” We believe that JESUS is LORD: He saves, heals, delivers, and baptizes in the HOLY SPIRIT today! (Hebrews 13:8) We are a Church that believes in living in Holiness and the Fear of the LORD. Our ultimate goal is when we get to heaven to hear our LORD say: “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.” (Matthew 25:21) We believe that Church covering and Pastoral care are vital to every believer’s spiritual health. However so many Churches around the world are falling like dominos into the same end-times trap of liberalism and life of excused sin. (Matthew 24:11-12, 1 Timothy 4:1) The LORD is calling us to expand our territories through any available means. We are to do our part in preparing the Bride of CHRIST for the Coming of the LORD in the Rapture. (2 Corinthians 11:2)

Reaching Out

We are now reaching out and offering membership and pastoral care to every believer who does not have a Bible based uncompromising Church in their area. To all believers who alongside us are disgusted with the watered down message of modernistic Churches and their sinful, loose lives. GOD throughout the ages has called His people into a life of holiness, repentance and separation for Him. (Ephesians 5:27, 1 Peter 1:16) We are certainly not encouraging believers to stay away from local Churches. On the contrary; if you are part of a Church that honors the LORD, and preaches the Gospel without compromise, go there, serve there, be faithful and be planted in it! (Psalm 92:13)


The purpose of international membership is to offer a spiritual covering to so many isolated Christians all around the world that have no access to a true Bible believing Church, to believers who do not have a Church that preaches the full Gospel without compromise anywhere near their residence. Also to believers in Countries that are totally closed to the Gospel and have no access to Church. Every believer really needs to be part of a Church. They need a spiritual covering, a Pastor, someone to correct them, exhort them, rebuke them, encourage them and guide them in the ways of the LORD and in living a holy life before the LORD (2 Timothy 3:16). However it is disaster for a Christian to be in a church were they don’t preach the full Gospel message of JESUS CHRIST, or mention repentance, sin or Hell. (2 Timothy 4:3-4) As an international member, you will have all the privileges and responsibilities as our local members here in Cyprus. You will receive pastoral care and covering from our Pastoral Care Team, just like our congregation here. To be a member in Good Standing , the member of ACOJC International, as a person of integrity and accountability, has to faithfully tithe to ACOJC International Headquarters here in Cyprus, the Church he or she is being fed from (Malachi 3:10). You will need to sign a form for membership stating that you live a holy and pure life before the LORD to the best of your ability and knowledge. You will see the rest of the details in the form. Upon completion your application will be submitted for approval. International membership is an intermediate, temporary solution. It can last months or years depending on when you find a good church with the right teaching in your area (in which case you can move your membership to that church after letting us know and we will greatly rejoice with you) or until we are able to start a church in your area.


The Pastor as the vision caster will be providing spiritual leading and covering to all international members (Proverbs 27:23). Our Pastoral Care Team will assist the Pastor through follow up and by being available to you. Counseling is also available upon request. Our new “Ask The Pastor” Program is also made specifically to bless our international members and viewers to help them grow in their faith by answering their questions from a Biblical perspective and then sharing the video with all our viewers. We also provide prayer covering for all members (local and international).


You will have access to our Church services through Live & On-Demand internet broadcasts and Church YouTube Channel. You will also be able to connect with us on a regular basis and stay up to date via our Church Facebook page, email and monthly e-newsletter. Email communication is available with the Pastor/Pastoral Care Team and based on need one-on-one appointments via Skype or telephone.

Seek The LORD

If you believe this might be something that the LORD is calling you to, we ask that you prayerfully consider becoming an international member of the Apostolic Church of JESUS. Please do this only if you believe the Holy Spirit is leading you to become a member of the ACOJC family and if you believe the LORD is calling you to be under the covering and Pastoral care of Pastor Sophocles and Andry Christodoulou and the Apostolic Church of JESUS Christ. If you feel you are led to be an international member or have further questions we would love to hear from you! May the blessing of the Almighty Triune GOD rest upon your life! Pastor Sophocles Christodoulou, Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ – Cyprus

International Membership Applications

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Important Disclaimer

International membership does not offer or include sponsorship, citizenship, visa, housing, lodging or any financial support. Average application approval time is approximately 6 months, however may vary depending on each individual case.

† Celebrating 32 Years in Cyprus