"Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." Matthew 4:17
"For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" Matthew 16:26

Revelation Bible School


Welcome to Revelation Bible School (RBS)

Another ministry of the Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15)  Available FREE to everyone! Or register & get even more!


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Participate in an entire semester for only €30 (previous courses).
New courses after January 2020 will be free of charge until further notice. There is no need to sign-up for new courses starting 2020, simply visit watch LIVE or ON-DEMAND.

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2. Pay with Paypal
3. Receive confirmation email & instructions
* Registration is optional and is not required to attend. Registrants however will receive quiz, notes and Certificate of Completion.

Easy Online Access

– Participate in person or from anywhere in the world
– Watch any course on FACEBOOK LIVE OR ON-DEMAND
– Fridays 7:00pm (Bilingual English/Greek)


Israel & The End Times – Ισραήλ & Έσχατες Μέρες (English & Greek  A Study of Israel, of the Signs of the End Times, and their correlation to the prophetic prediction of the Rapture of the Church. We will study the Last Days Wars & Events in perspective and set them in Chronological Order. This Bible Course aims at exhorting the Church to be and stay vigilant, to take a stand for Israel, and to prepare herself as the Bride of Christ. Μελέτη για τον Ισραήλ, τα Σημεία των Τελευταίων Ημερών, και την συσχέτιση τους στην πρόβλεψη της Αρπαγής της Εκκλησίας. Θα μελετήσουμε του Πολέμους και τα Γεγονότα των Τελευταίων Ημερών, θέτοντας τα σε Χρονολογική Σειρά. Αυτή η Βιβλική Σειρά Μαθημάτων στοχεύει στην εγρήγορση της Εκκλησίας στο να γίνει και να παραμείνει επάγρυπνη, να πάρει θέση υπέρ του Ισραήλ, και να προετοιμαστεί σαν η Νύμφη του Χριστού. No registration fee, student notes, or quiz.
Available ON-DEMAND
Christology: Studying the Deity, Incarnation and Atonement of JESUS CHRIST (English & Greek  The Study of the Mystery of GOD manifesting in the flesh in the Person of JESUS CHRIST. Analyzing the Doctrine of Incarnation and the Doctrine of Atonement. Learning how to discern between true, Biblical, Classical Christianity and the Cults, that reject either the Deity of CHRIST or the Humanity of CHRIST. We will see how JESUS CHRIST, our Lord, is fully God and fully Man at the same time, and in the Same Person. “That I may know Him, and the power of his Resurrection.” Philippians 3:10 No registration fee, student notes, or quiz.
Available ON-DEMAND.

Anthropology: Dealing with Worry, Fear, Anxiety – Biblically (Greek with English Translation)  The study of man, dealing with the emotional world of man, and specifically on how to deal with worry, fear, anxiety, showing the Biblical approach to peace, faith, trust and mental health. No registration fee, student notes, or quiz.

Knowing The Times in Which We Live in (Greek with English Translation)  Exploring the subject of “end-times” in light of 2020’s happenings and drawing Biblical conclusions as well as de-bunking common end-times myths. No registration fee, student notes, or quiz.

Authority of the Believer (Greek with English Translation)  The Biblical Definition of the Authority of the Believer, The Source of the Believer’s Authority, The Whole Armor of the Believer, Hinderances to Believers’ Authority, GOD & Man and the Authority Connection. No registration fee, student notes, or quiz.

Soteriology: The Doctrine of Salvation (English only) Moving around the axis of how Great is our GOD, Who is our Salvation, the Finished Work of CHRIST on the Cross, The Blood of JESUS, The Name of JESUS, The Work of the HOLY SPIRIT, and the amazingly unified, perfectly coordinated Work the HOLY TRINITY (FATHER, SON, HOLY SPIRIT) in our lives and in our Salvation (spirit, soul, body).

Theology: GOD’s Ontology (Greek only) A Systematic Study of GOD’s Holiness, Ontology, Nature, and Attributes!

Old Testament Survey (English only) Systematic Analysis of the Old Testament, Book by Book. Who wrote each book? Why it was written? With a panoramic overview approach, we’ll be breaking down the chapters into sub-themes, and explore the main teaching of each Book. Dive into the Old Testament in this exciting series!

Theology & Ethics (English only)
Through mostly Systematic Theology and Biblical Theology (among other fields of Theology) we will study in depth the Ontology, Attributes, Character and Nature of GOD. Having this as our foundation for our study in Christian Ethics we will move on into finding out the LORD’s Divine Guidance on Handling all kinds of situations in this physical life through the Character and Nature of GOD, as the HOLY SPIRIT enables us to live a Godly life permeated with GOD’s Laws of Ethics according to the Constitution of Heaven. “Thy Will be done in Earth, as it is in Heaven” (Matthew 6:10)

Philosophy, Cosmology, Theology, Christian Apologetics (English only)
A quadruple four-fold course tackling tough questions and difficult subjects which many Christians face.

Biblical Studies: The Holy Bible – The Holy, Inerrant, Infallible, Eternal Word of GOD (English only)
The Holy, Inerrant, Infallible Word of GOD. Why we believe in the Doctrine of the Inerrancy and the Infallibility of the Scriptures. The History of the Bible, The Manuscripts, The Canon of Scripture, and Comparative Study of the Authorized Version (KJB) vs the so called Modern Versions.

Hermeneutics & Eschatology: The Book of Revelation (Greek Only)
An amazing course studying the Biblical Book of Revelation in a systematic analysis. 

Eschatology: Israel, Signs in The Heavens & The End Times Wars (English/Greek)
An amazing course shedding light on end times Bible Prophecy. 

Salvation: Eternal Unconditional Security, or Conditional? – Once Saved Always Saved? (English/Greek)
Teaching and establishing the sound doctrine of Biblical Salvation. 

Course in Theology: Calvinism vs Arminianism (English/Greek)
One of the most potentially divisive doctrinal debates in the history of the Church centers around the opposing doctrines of salvation known as Calvinism and Arminianism. Know the Biblical Truth! An exciting new course full of information and revelation dealing with these subjects from the Word of GOD. 

Christian Apologetics: Defending the Faith (English/Greek)
An exciting new course full of information and revelation dealing with the subjects of Eschatology, Cults & Christian Classic Doctrine. We will analyze all the positions on the Last Days (Rapture, Millennium, New Earth & New Haven), the Seventh Day Adventists, Mormons, the so called “Jehovah’s Witnesses”, etc. 

The Holy Trinity (English/Greek)
Offering a course in Theology that leads to a Certificate in the Study of Theology. The course will be an in depth study on the subject of the HOLY TRINITY. Be doctrinally and Biblically established in one of the most important, if not the most important Christian doctrine: the study of our Triune GOD. 

Upon registration you will receive a welcome email and instructions within 1-2 business days. 
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† Celebrating 32 Years in Cyprus