"Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." Matthew 4:17
"For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" Matthew 16:26

He Never Walked Away

Christian Cross of Jesus Christ at SunriseHe never walked away from the hungry in need. Thousands of people He was willing to feed. He never walked away from those in need of healing. He restored that which the devil was stealing He didn’t walk away from the sinner and outcast He loved them and wanted all to be saved at last He didn’t walk away from the agonizing Cross He endured it all because of His love so vast But from one thing Jesus walked away From His grave on the third day He defeated death and was raised from the dead Our punishment He took upon himself instead We’ve lied and stolen and sinned so much We’re far from God and there’s no hope for such We’re all headed to hell but we can be freed He paid our fine and it was great indeed God stripped himself and became a man So those choosing to be his children can He did everything to gain you back His great love for you does not lack He never walked away and never will He’s waiting for you with open arms still Jesus is the only way Forsake all your sins and pray Lord forgive me, I’ve gone astray I make you my Lord and Savior today Don’t wait another single day Humble yourself, He’ll hear all you say Thank you Jesus for not walking away! Forever and ever with you we’ll stay! Written by Balazs Toth

† Celebrating 32 Years in Cyprus